Application for Charitable ServiceAmerican Honey Bee Protection Agency is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We operate on a donation basis, which covers the cost of the removal, relocation, and rehabilitation of the hive. Our grant funds allow us to provide services for low income families, persons with disabilities, and veterans. Do you wish to apply for charitable assistance in removing your bees? If so, please complete the form located below.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastTelephone Number *Email *Address *Are you an IRS recognized non-profit organization requesting our support?YesNoDo you or a family member living at this location qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act?YesNoAre you a veteran of the US armed forces?YesNoDoes your houshold qualify as low income in the state of Texas? If so, what is your annual household income?Are you the property owner? If not, we will need to contact the property owner to verify we have permission to be on the premises. *YesNoWhere are the bees located on the property? *How high off the ground are the bees? Ground level? Over/under 10 feet off of the ground? First/second level? *How long has the hive been there?Are the bees stinging/aggressive?YesNoUnsureHave you used pesticides on the bees? If so, we will need to wait six weeks to make sure that the apiary that we relocate the bees to will not be adversely affected by the toxins. *YesNoUnsureTo the best of your knowledge, do you have asbestos in the building? If so, we do require an $80 fee, as removal must be done with specialized equipment to ensure the safety of everyone.YesNoUnsureAre you prepared to make a donation to cover any portion of the cost of the removal? *YesNoFor removals under 10 feet in height- $250. For removals over 10 feet in height, or multiple hives- $500. For water meter removals- $100. For same day service- $400. What amount are you donating to cover the cost of your removal? *CommentSubmit Share: