- Do you really love honey bees?
- Looking for a great opportunity to obtain a tax exemption?
- Do you want to reap the benefits of great pollination?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you might be a great candidate for our Honey Bee Co-Op program.
AHBPA is growing, with that in mind we need to find locations to set up our bee hives. Our honey Co-Op program allows us to replenish some of the bee population, while splitting the rewards with those who want to help!
Want to save money with a tax exemption? Just want the agricultural effects of these winged workers on your property?
We are looking for kind individuals who would allow us to use their property as a bee haven for our rescued bees. Every 1 acre of land that can be donated would allow us to house 8 bee hives. Of course we need less land for the havens because the feral bees are a nomadic type and don’t normally stay in one location for very long.
In the state of Texas, if a homeowner possesses 5 acres or more of property, with at least 6 beehives on the property, the resident can become eligible to have up to 20 acres tax exempt. This exemption can save thousands of dollars per year.
*Typically there is a 5 year waiting period before tax relief is seen.
The proceeds from the sale of the Co-Op honey at retailers– such as Sprouts, Central Market, Peoples Rx, and Wheatsville Co-Op–all go towards helping fund our nonprofit bee rescue services around Texas.
“But I don’t know how to handle bees?”
Don’t worry, our bee keepers will make sure the bees are very well taken care of. AHBPA performs all the necessary hive maintenance and oversight. Additionally, we will offer training and safety education for any parties who are interested, but it is not required to be a member of our honey Co-Op program.
If any of these ideas get your brain buzzing, reach out to us with your questions.